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julio  1, 2024

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“Derecho Internacional Público” by Dr. Juan Antonio Travieso. 1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Abeledo Perrot, 2012

“Derecho Internacional Público” by Dr. Juan Antonio Travieso

1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Abeledo Perrot, 2012-


The  professor of Law and Social Sciences Dr. Juan Antonio Travieso, presents his book “Derecho Internacional Público”, which will become a fundamental testimony of our times for Law professionals, specialists in the field and students.

Throughout the analysis of cases, jurisprudence, graphics and investigation among different scopes –but in special from the Latin-American point of view-, the book deals in its 950 pages and 15 chapters with the main themes of Public International Law.

In the book there can be found subjects like International Treaties Law; International Law and Local Law; International Law Principles; People in the International Law; the Organisms in International Relationships; the Action Field of the United Nations (UN); the Use of the Force and Responsibility in International Law; Economical International Law; Law of the Sea; International Law and Environment; International Law Commission and International Law and Human rights.

The literary work contains also 2 appendixes that include rule tools like a Treaty Dictionary and a Dictionary on the Law of the Sea, among others.

Juan Antonio Travieso is a Full Professor of Public International Law at the Law Faculty of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, author of 14 books and more than 200 scientific essays. He was awarded with many national and international awards, like the “Unesco Award”, and was a member of the Jurists Commission gathered to elaborate an Argentinian Juridical Digest. His latest work will become an important consulting book that, from the academic point of view, introduces the international reality into the juridical actuality.


Travieso, Juan Antonio

Derecho Internacional Público

1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Abeledo Perrot, 2012


Prof. Dr. Juan Antonio Travieso will present and sign copies of his book on September 5th (Wednesday) at 4pm at the Auditorio del Banco Nación Argentina, Rivadavia 325, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.